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Hemoglobin and types

Definition Hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen in the blood. Hemoglobin electrophoresis measures the levels of the different types of this protein in the blood. Alternative Names Hb electrophoresis; Hgb electrophoresis; Electrophoresis - hemoglobin; Thallasemia - electrophoresis; Sickle cell - electrophoresis; Hemoglobinopathy - electrophoresis How the Test is Performed A blood sample is needed. In the lab, the technician places the blood sample on special paper and applies an electric current. The hemoglobins move on the paper and form bands that show the amount of each type of hemoglobin. How to Prepare for the Test No special preparation is necessary for this test. How the Test will Feel When the needle is inserted to draw blood, some people feel moderate pain. Others feel only a prick or stinging sensation. Afterward, there may be some throbbing or a slight bruise. This soon goes away. Why the Test is Performed You may have ...

NASA’s Juno spacecraft has captured some stunning imagery of Jupiter since entering

While NASA’s Juno spacecraft has captured some stunning imagery of Jupiter since entering orbit around the gas giant in 2016, it’s not the only celestial body in the probe’s sights. As part of its exploration of the Jovian system, Juno is also inspecting one of planet’s largest moons in Europa, and has this week swooped in for its closest look yet. Europa is a source of much intrigue for scientists on the hunt for life beyond Earth. For years, researchers have been watching the moon closely from afar and evidence of liquid water has begun to build, adding weight to the theory that a subsurface ocean lies beneath its icy shell. This salty body of water is thought to be one the most likely places to harbor life in our Solar System, and with its advanced suite of imagers and instruments, Juno may just help us dig into these secrets. On Thursday September 29, the probe came within 219 miles (352 km) of the moon’s surface, and was the first spacecraft to...

deploying chemotherapy to hold the tumor cells

Engineers at Duke University have developed a novel delivery system for cancer treatment and demonstrated its potential against one of the disease’s most troublesome forms. In newly published research in mice with pancreatic cancer, the scientists showed how a radioactive implant could completely eliminate tumors in the majority of the rodents, demonstrating what they say is the most effective treatment ever studied in these pre-clinical models. Pancreatic cancer is notoriously difficult to diagnose and treat, with tumor cells of this type highly evasive and loaded with mutations that make them resistant to many drugs. It accounts for just 3.2 percent of all cancers, yet is the third leading cause of cancer-related death. One way of tackling it is by deploying chemotherapy to hold the tumor cells in a state that makes them vulnerable to radiation, and then hitting the tumor with a targeted radiation beam.

Tibetan Glaciers 1500 years old virus

Ancient creatures are emerging from the cold storage of melting permafrost, almost like something out of a horror movie. From incredibly preserved extinct megafauna like the woolly rhino, to the 40,000-year-old remains of a giant wolf, and bacteria over 750,000 years old. "These are viruses that would have thrived in extreme environments," said Ohio State University microbiologist Matthew Sullivan, with "signatures of genes that help them infect cells in cold environments – just surreal genetic signatures for how a virus is able to survive in extreme conditions." Comparing their genetic sequences to a database from known viruses, the team found the most abundant viruses in both ice core samples were bacteriophages that infect Methylobacterium – bacteria important to the methane cycle within ice. They were most related to viruses found in Methylobacterium strains in plant and soil habitats – consistent with a previous report that t...

Classification of food and nutrients in foods

∙    Definition ∙  Food is that which nourishes the body. Food may also be defined as anything eaten or drunk, which can be absorbed by the body to be used as an energy source, building, regulating or protective material.    ∙  In short, food is the raw material from which our body is made. Intake of the right kinds and amounts of foods can ensure good health, which may be evident in our appearance, efficiency and emotional well-being. Classification of foods ∙  Based on the functions, foods are grouped into energy-yielding, body-building and protective foods. ∙  Nutrients which engage in these activities are known as energy-yielding nutrients, body-building nutrients and protective nutrients. ∙  Carbohydrates, fats and proteins release energy on metabolism in our body. Foods may be broadly classified into 11 groups based on their nutritive value:   (1) Cereals and millets (2) Pulses (Legumes) (3) Nuts and oilseeds (4) Vegetabl...